Domande frequenti

Il nostro store accetta resi entro 14 giorni dalla data di consegna della merce, i prodotti che sono esclusi dal reso sono contrassegnati da una descrizione differente.
Tutti i nostri ordini di norma vengono evasi dopo poche ore dall’acquisto e consegnati nelle 24/48h successive, tuttavia in alcuni periodi dell’anno e per alcune zone dell’italia questi tempi potrebbero subire variazioni.

Puoi pagare l’ordine con carta di credito, bonifico e contrassegno


Il nostro servizio di assistenza è sempre a tua disposizione per fornirti assistenza e consulenza riguardo alla scelta dei prodotti. Contattaci e ti risponderemo al più presto con le informazioni di cui hai bisogno.

Additional questions

Our company will do it’s best to send you an estimate within 24 hours. With larger projects receiving an estimate might take a little longer as there are more factors to consider and more work that has to go into producing the estimate. Our plumbers are experts who will communicate with you every step of the way. We work efficiently so that your repair or remodel is finished quickly and with high quality.
Our company will do it’s best to send you an estimate within 24 hours. With larger projects receiving an estimate might take a little longer as there are more factors to consider and more work that has to go into producing the estimate. Our plumbers are experts who will communicate with you every step of the way. We work efficiently so that your repair or remodel is finished quickly and with high quality.
Our company will do it’s best to send you an estimate within 24 hours. With larger projects receiving an estimate might take a little longer as there are more factors to consider and more work that has to go into producing the estimate. Our plumbers are experts who will communicate with you every step of the way. We work efficiently so that your repair or remodel is finished quickly and with high quality.
Our company will do it’s best to send you an estimate within 24 hours. With larger projects receiving an estimate might take a little longer as there are more factors to consider and more work that has to go into producing the estimate. Our plumbers are experts who will communicate with you every step of the way. We work efficiently so that your repair or remodel is finished quickly and with high quality.
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